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NEW: CA Home Care Services Bureau Announcements

We attended the American Board of Home Care 2nd Annual Symposium and heard three (3) important updates from the Home Care Services Bureau that will effect you: 1. Version 5 of the Written Directives are now posted online (review of updates see below) You can download your own version - Click here VERSION 5

2. HCA renewal notices have started to be mailed out.

3. Increase fees are going into effect January 1, 2018

1. Version 5 of the Written Directives

There are three (3) pages of updates. Unfortunately the state only references Regulation Numbers and Health and Safety codes with no written descriptions. No worries. We are here to give you the brief overview. There is a lot of clean up on language.

Here are a few of the more notable changes: A. Increase on licensing and HCA fees (read below for figures) B. Cite fees and cause for revocation of license if HCO is not available for inspection on second and third attempts respectively. If a licensee or designee is not available or "no show" on the second visit attempt by licensing a $150 fee is imposed. Failure for a 3rd time is cause for revocation. C. Extension on Appeal Process which includes involving Branch Chief. D. HCO shall require all staff, volunteers, and affiliated Home Care Aides to provide and maintain current mailing address. Specifically within 10 days of any change. E. Training related to Leaves of Employment and Hire Date. When an AHCA takes a leave of employment for less than a year and they've passed their hire date, they must complete their annual training before seeing a client. If it is over a year, the AHCA has a new hire date and training is considered new again. You base the AHCA's training on their Hire Date not Registry Date! This is new and a clarification. F. HCA Status on State Registry will have two (2) more definitions starting 01/01/2018. 1. REGISTERED* = Criminal Record Exemption issued. You will now see an asterisk symbol next to REGISTERED. This will mean an Exemption was issued. This will speed up the process for you to file proper paperwork for an Exemption transfer request (HSC 9188). 2. REGISTERED-PENDING REVIEW = can not provide care until final determination. Before having an HCA work with a client their status must be REGISTERED or REGISTERED*

2. HCA renewal notices

A. According to regulations, HCAs will receive notice within 60 days of their Registry expiration date. HCSB is aiming for 90 days. B. In January 2018, 9,000 HCAs will need to update their information an renew on the Registry. In February, there will be 15,000 HCAs due for renewal. C. All HCOs that the HCA is affiliated with on the Registry will also get a notice from HCSB. This is to notify you of the expiration date.

3. Renewal Fee Increase Goes into Effect 1/01/18

A. HCAs The fee will go from $25.00 to $35.00 every two years for initial registration and renewal. B. HCOs The fee will go from $5,165.00 to $5,603.00 every two years for initial application and renewal.

Tips and Common Issues During Inspections

Based on what the analysts as well as McCaulie's experience has been out in the field conducting inspections the last couple of months: 1. Personnel files should be organized. 2. Licensees /Designees should be present. If you they are not present the analyst will return. However, if there is a pattern of no-show this can lead to a revocation of HCO license. 3. Forms must be complete 4. Training must be complete and logged. 5. Recommendation of uniformity of files. 6. Remain Calm. Governor Vetoes AB 1513 - Home Care Aide Registry

AB 1513 (Kalra) was vetoed by the Governor. Backed by the Labor organizations, this measure would have allowed any labor organization to make a public record request to the Department of Social Services for a current list of all registered home care aides that contains the aide's personal telephone number.

Protecting the privacy of California's home care aides is of paramount importance and we are very pleased that the Governor understood the threat this bill had on an individual's right to privacy.

You take care of the clients and trust us to take care of the compliance. Have you scheduled your MOCK Inspection? EVERY Licensee that has gone through a MOCK ahead of their actual have passed! And has made a GREAT IMPRESSION!

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